The reason why I'm happy, well, one of them is, this weekend I bought daffodils!! Aren't they cute?! I've been meaning to put something in my pots for a while, and since my outdoor plant died while I was home at Christmas, I decided to go to the home centre to see what I could find. . . and so spring has arrived (at least inside my little house! :-)

Another exciting thing that happened today was. . . all of the "foreigners" -- ie. the Hiebert family and I -- got to wear kimonos!! Two older ladies from church have been working so hard at getting everything ready (including asking numerous people and a rental place if they happened to have a kimono long enough for a 183 cm tall girl -- we ended up giving up ;-), but it's only noticeable in the sleeves!!). Then, two of their friends came to help put the kimonos on us this morning (it's quite a process -- what I'm wearing in this picture was my "underwear" -- 3 layers before you actually get the kimono on!) Making sure everything is in the right place, getting the bottom to lay nicely, and the obi (belt) tied is something that, these days, most Japanese people can't do on their own, and rely on special "dressers" for these kinds of occassions (which, are happening less and less).

Just me (and my camera) -- having a little fun at my house! Definitely a special memory. . .