
Finding joy. . .

. . . in the most unexpected places?! (I shouldn't really say "unexpected", but let me give a little background. . .) This week back has been hard. They always are. It's not that I'm not happy to be here, or excited to see everyone, or that I don't enjoy Japan like a second home, but it's the difficulty of separation from my other (earthly) home, and some of the anxiety that comes with starting something again.
That said, I had a BLAST with my kindergarten kids this afternoon, playing games and "catching up" -- and then talking with their moms afterwards (I've gotten to know some of them better through the cooking class too, which one mom was already asking about! :-). Although I like kids and have fun hanging out with them, I can't say it's necessarily my "strong point" and discipline is sometimes an issue, so I have to admit that I don't always have high expectations. Guess God knew I needed a "pick-me-up" today. . . this must be the start of a great year!
Here are the pics you missed last time. . . how could you not "fall in love"?!


God's drawing board. . .

what is it about that blue canvas stretched above our heads, almost close enough to touch, yet deep enough to lose ourselves in, scattered with a few puffy white scrunches, or stretched over with a thin haze, that place we look to just above the horizon, for the vibrant colours as our flaming torch continues its journey past our view, or the flashes of brilliance scratching across in a frenzy, or hues of blue and green dancing to the ryhthm of the night, watched in solitude by billions of tiny portals into the universe?
i don't know. if I said I did, I'd probably be just fooling myself, because really, there are not a lot of things that I know, if I'm really honest with myself. what I do know is that it's special, though -- and there is something in me that is definitely moved at the sight of the (prairie) sky -- ok, so I am biased -- the movements of grace and fury, the subtelties, and a complexity to which words or the stroke of a paintbrush could never fully do justice. As I have heard it explained before, it seems that great dome above us is simply a reflection of the Glory of the Author of glory, the One to whom all glory is rightfully due. Simply a reflection. . . After all, it only took a word and less than half a day, and the whole thing was in place. Yep, guess you could pretty much call that glory. . .
to so many of you who have also been a reflection of that Glory to me, thank you. . . I spent a much refreshing few weeks back in Canada, and it was good in many ways. It's very good to be here again. Sometimes that becomes clouded when things from "home" get close again. . . or when I lose perspective of what's most important. But the truth is that the Glory that surrounds us isn't bounded by the things or thoughts running around in my or your life or in our heads. A Glory that not only encamps around us, but longs to embrace us -- with a permeating closeness and somehow, a sense of reassurance in its vast and changeable yet continual Presence.
may that Glory capture, and consume, and captivate us, that we may, with confidence approach our God and together, continue on in the world in which His magnificent Glory is ever on display.
(I wanted to post pictures with this, but apparently I can't, so you'll have to imagine with me! ;-)