
Finding joy. . .

. . . in the most unexpected places?! (I shouldn't really say "unexpected", but let me give a little background. . .) This week back has been hard. They always are. It's not that I'm not happy to be here, or excited to see everyone, or that I don't enjoy Japan like a second home, but it's the difficulty of separation from my other (earthly) home, and some of the anxiety that comes with starting something again.
That said, I had a BLAST with my kindergarten kids this afternoon, playing games and "catching up" -- and then talking with their moms afterwards (I've gotten to know some of them better through the cooking class too, which one mom was already asking about! :-). Although I like kids and have fun hanging out with them, I can't say it's necessarily my "strong point" and discipline is sometimes an issue, so I have to admit that I don't always have high expectations. Guess God knew I needed a "pick-me-up" today. . . this must be the start of a great year!
Here are the pics you missed last time. . . how could you not "fall in love"?!


Stefi said...

Hey Sweet-pea

Its easy to understand why it would be hard to be back. and as hard as it can be to explain why i know what you mean.=S *hugz*

Kids are so cute. i myself dont know if i could ever work with them, however babysitting them is always fun. and it feels mice to hear that the kid asked for you to come over another sitter. =)

well im tired..its 1 am...i need to be in class at 11..even tho thats later tomorrow than normal, i need to get up early and go to grandmas to shower cause theres a water main brake on our street. so we have no water! boo!

okay im off to bed. Take care karis! glad to hear your well,
keep on truckin'!

ps: i have the best chocolate brownies...i wish i could send you some.

Stefi said...

hahaha ops put MICE instead of NICE

Anonymous said...

Hi Karis-
Good to finally see another update! I was thinking of you today- I was thinking back to those days of Harmony at Linda's house and how much fun it was. It sure made my week worthwhile. Especially since you were so very nice to give me a ride there... I was pretty nervous to ask you, you know.
We just got back from the coast for the long weekend. Any chance you get a long wkd out there??
Take care- looking forward to the next update!

Sharon said...

Hey, Karis--wow your previous blog summarized it beautifully! The heavens declare the glory of God, eh?
It´s always hard when your heart is in two places...you´ll be in my prayers.
And it sure was good to see you! (oh, by the way, that teacher ended up being sick for 2 more days, so I had to teach the 2 classes together! crazy!)

bob said...

Hey Karis,

I can't imagine the mix of feelings you get when you go back to Japan with all the friendly and familiar faces, and your home filled with your things and yet you miss your home here. Hopefully things have gotten a little easier by now, since its almost been two weeks since your post. I had an awesome time seeing you here, and I hope you cherish every minute in Toyota!