
potluck. . . by bike!

Ok, so I've mentioned about my Bible study group on Wendesday nights before. . . We actually have a potluck together every week as well. I usually bring something really simple -- ie. fruit or cookies, and sometimes nothing at all, so I decided I should at least make one good meal to bring in exchange for the amazing suppers I have eaten every Wednesday over the past year (seriously, I don't only go for the Bible study! ;-) So, I did lasagne -- borrowed a Pyrex portable carrying case from the Hieberts' house, and braved the 20 minute bike to the station (seriously, I was close to losing that thing / control of my bike several times). All turned out well, with just a few stained towels at the other end. . . and the best part is that I can now enjoy "guilt-free" eating again for at least another few months! ;-)

So, the rice paddies are in the midst of being harvested here -- there are quite a few in my area, within a 5 or 10 minute walk. Most of the ones close by are owned by individual families, who grow the rice as a hobby, or because they have inherited family land.
A picture of Wataru and I a couple of weeks ago. . . (My friend Chiharu's little guy) Gotta love the mowhawk he has going on -- how cute! :-)

"Ladies Luncheon" at Karis' place last Friday. . . Yes, we are going to have to make this more than a "one-time" thing!! These are all women from the church - clockwise from me is the pastor's wife, Kumiko, with Wataru, a Korean woman, Mrs. Pyon with her daughter Iean (means the peace of Jesus -- neat, eh?), Chiharu and her daughter Moe, Mrs. Takekawa and Mrs. Inoue -- the two older women are sooo hilarious! I love them!
The youth event this past Saturday -- Taro, Kousuke, me and Yohei. . . never a dull moment with Sudoku at hand!
And, this is the picture from the link I sent for the car. . . keep in mind that mine is used and doesn't quite look exactly like the picture, but it's still cute (I think. . . still living in faith that I'm actually getting it sometime soon. . .!)

1 comment:

Stefi said...

Haha the little one has awesome hair! Reminds me of when i had corn-rows... when i took them out my hair stood out on end for like 2 days! and grose for how much hair was dirty since you cant was h your hair proper whith them in.

Looks like a good tim eout there...i could go with always bring'in fruit! lol but thats just cause im lazy!!!

So have you had to do any more bike ventures with your umberalla??? lol im gonna bug you with that for a while!

haha anyways gotta go study for psychology tomorrow. and then finish my "craft" i am working on at the moment...im not gonna say what it is tho.

take care,