
I have to admit, I first heard of this whole Expo thing from my parents, and by the sounds of "World Expo '68", I was pretty sure it was some kind of "peace and love" gathering for hippies. . . So, first of all, not only was I surprised the "Expo" was still in existance, but that it was going to be practically right in my backyard here in Japan. As I heard more about it, saw ads and it got closer to the opening (March 25th), my interest definitely grew. I bought a season's pass. (For those of you who may still be "in the dark" as I was, the Expo is basically the biggest multicultural festival/event in the world. I think it was started as a way of bringing countries a little closer together, and displaying the latest technology.)After my ninth and last time visiting the site yesterday, it's a little sad to see everything coming to an end this Sunday. Between the dozens of musical / dance performances taking place everyday at the pavillions and stages around the site, displays and people from 120-some countries taking part as well as some great pavillions by Japan and major companies here (Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Toyota), there were lots of things to learn, see and take part in (not to mention a chance to eat great food from almost anywhere -- except Greece, still a little upset about that. . . I will definitely miss the food!!) The theme of the Expo was "Nature's Wisdom" and how we need to learn from nature in the ways we live, produce, use and interact with the world and others. I think it's great we're becoming more conscious of taking care of the world that God has entrusted into our care. . . I just pray that they might know Whose wisdom is behind the beautiful nature. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Stefi said...


Nice photo there Karis!