

God with us. I've been thinking about that a little bit lately. God with us. Beside us, around us, just with us. A pretty cool thought actually. One that I don't think about often enough. How easy it is to get busy, lonely, bored, feel empty and "unfulfilled". . . If I really knew that God was with me, with us, would I -- or could I -- feel that way?
God with us. . . in an encouraging word from a friend, in a smile, in our pain, in the rain, in chaos, in the faces around us, in the gifts that we give to those we love, appreciate, and sometimes even strangers. I have been overwhelmed with God showing Himself to me in the way many of my students and those from the church have given towards shoeboxes to send to those in other Asian countries that are not as materially blessed as Japan. It touches something inside of me to see their excitement, generousity, and the way I imagine it will reach out to a child, with a tangible reminder that Someone cares. . . still cares. . . has always cared.
How often do I have those reminders? How many times a day? How many moments are there when, if I was only looking, I would see God right here with me. . . and how I could share Him with others around me. Because God's not here for just a moment, He's here for all the moments. I want to spend more moments knowing and enjoying Him.
FLN (family life network) has been asking Canadians the question: "If you could ask God one question and knew He would answer, what would it be?" So, I thought I'd ask my students -- "I want to know about all the mysteries of the world" "I want to know why I'm here" "I want to know when the end of the world is" For me? I want to know when I get to meet You.
Guess that day will come, but in the meantime, why not enjoy God with me right here, right now? God with us. . . this Christmas day. . . everyday. . . every moment. Time to get together, I think.


Stefi said...

I think i would ask why life is so complicated to figure out. And if we are truly met to know the meaning of life or if its just that not knowing that keeps us all how we are today.

i think that yes even tho we know god is with us all the time we can still feel as tho he is not. its almost as if its a test. a test as to if we trust in him enough to allows us to learn and have friends encouragement and know that its not only coming from them but fro m him as well.

I think the shoebox thing is a great thing to do. we used to do it all the time in school . it was a great feeling to know that even tho we take such advantage to having these things that these kids get to experience the same thing and it means so much to them

I think a lot don’t I! Lol oh and I have a great quote that I love for Christmas. From a childerns movie. If only people took it serious:
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more. ~Dr. Seuss

Take care karis. I have something I want to send you. Its late tho. Aka probably wont get there in time for Christmas but soon after.. Now if only I would get up and go out in the cold to mail it!


The Keowns said...

I just wanted to stop and say HI! i have been watching your blog for a while and love the pictures and stories!