
It worked!

Do you see it?! (the cranberry sauce) FYI, craisins, cranberry juice, a bit of sugar and water works pretty well. (Thanks for your encouragement Elaine -- I was about to can the whole idea!) And, the great part is that most people seemed to genuinely enjoy it too (so much for "payback" for the Japanese foods I don't like, but I was happy! :-)

Everyone came around 6, and there was still a bit of "preparation" to do before supper -- make the stuffing, potatoes, apple pie and "decorations" -- ok, does anyone remember how to fold those "fan style" napkins?? I remember doing it all the time, ok a few times, with those cloth napkins at restaurants, but I seem to have forgotten -- maybe fabric napkins are the key. . .?!
So, my students and I had a lot of fun together -- especially for me, watching them eat everything, mostly for the first time. There were 7 students, and the pastor's wife also joined us.
Yesterday in the kids' class we decorated cookies -- we've been talking about body parts, so they got to make the eyes, mouth, tummy, and whatever other little decorations they wanted to put on. I told them the white stuff was "glue", and one of them looked at me a little worried, like he wouldn't be able to eat it afterwards!
Their works of art! When I told the girl on the left that they were supposed to add the body parts, she decided to make hers a girl. . . I guess they're all body parts, eh?

Pumpkin pie -- I think we were all full before this point already. . . but looks can be deceiving. They may be "smaller" (in general) than us, but everyone had both a slice of pumpkin and apple pie (complete with whip cream and ice cream).
During supper we were talking about taking pictures, and I asked about where the "peace" or "victory" sign came from (I've heard that it started after the war?!), and no-one really knew. They asked if we did it, and I said only when we were trying to imitate Japanese people -- so, this is for all of you -- the "token Japanese shot" ;-)


Stefi said...

wow that a lot of food! I REMEMBER how to fold napkins like that. i had to fold like 400 of them at a seniors banquit thing i helped at in highschool! lol

hope you enjoyed the food!


Kathy said...

Love the "body parts" cookies! I'm so impressed with your Thanksgiving dinner, especially the cranberry sauce. Good stuff! Sorry, no napkin folding tips here, definitely not one of my areas of "giftedness."

Love Kathy

karis said...

can you send me a detailed account on the napkins stef? might come in handy for Christmas. . . ;-)

Stefi said...

of course i can. ill just have to do my self a recap! hahah i know 2 ways to fold fancy napkins. the fan and a different was(the way we fold them at work) so i willsend both!.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a very creative way to do cranberries. You are getting so domesticated. It looks like young and older are enjoying the new cooking. Your little niece will probably be big enough to help you in a year or two and would love the cookies!!!

Stefi said...

okay sweetie this is how you do it... hope its not to all over for you.

lay the napkin FLAT
FOLD left side to right long ways so the fold is on the left

accordian fold from bottem.. make each fold about 1 inch
only do this for 3/4 of the way up

then FOLD to the right.

then take the end and folf it over its self.. it should hang ove about 1 inch. take that and tuck it under..
now stand it up...

if it dosent work then i was either not clear or you did it wrong.

I will wright you and send a "sample" if you like!

hope this helps and is not too confusing!
Ciao chicka
PS: i have a new post... finally!